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Italy's Unique Christmas Traditions

In many ways, Christmas in Italy is celebrated in ways familiar to Americans and Canadians: Italians put up a Christmas tree, Father Christmas (called Babbo Natale) delivers presents to children, and the streets sparkle with strands of twinkle lights. However, there are a number of interesting regional traditions that you may not have heard of. Let's look at a few unique Christmas traditions from around Italy.


In southern Italy, particularly in regions like Abruzzo and Calabria, the zampognari descend from the mountains during the holiday season. What are zampognari? A zampogna is an instrument similar to a bagpipe, and zampognari are people who play the instrument, although traditionally, the instrument was played by shepherds. Dressed in traditional sheepskin cloaks, they play carols in piazzas and in front of nativity scenes. This tradition symbolizes the shepherds who visited baby Jesus.

Midnight bonfires

A rather festive tradition in Puglia and other southern regions is that of lighting bonfires on Christmas Eve. Depending on the area, these bonfires may be called focara, focaro, fochera, or cippo. This ancient tradition is steeped in symbolism. Some say the fire symbolizes the light brought to the world by Christ's birth. Others believe that it dates back to an ancient Roman tradition symbolizing the rebirth of the light during the winter solstice.

Tombola Nights

During the Christmas season, many Italian families gather together on Christmas Eve to play tombola, a traditional game similar to bingo. The game was invented in Napoli, and the numbers are often associated with funny meanings. It is a game of luck, and players usually bring some money to add to the pot for the winners. A more family-friendly variant asks everyone to bring small wrapped gifts to distribute to the winners. To up the ante and make the game's twist of luck and fate even more captivating, both good gifts and silly gifts are added to the pot. Winners may be rewarded with a much dreamed-after toy or a sweet treat, or their luck runs out, and they receive a package filled with nothing but wine corks! It's good fun for everyone.

Krampus in Italy?

The northern region of Trentino-Alto Adige offers a darker Christmas mood with its eerie Krampus tradition. Rooted in Alpine folklore, Krampus are horned, devil-like creatures dressed in furs and grotesque masks. They carry chains and bells that rattle ominously as they roam the streets. While Saint Nicholas rewards good children with gifts, the Krampus is supposed to scare the naughty children and, in some stories, kidnap them and take them away. In towns across Trentino, the Krampuslaufen (Krampus runs) are a highlight of the Christmas season. Men dressed as these nightmarish creatures parade through the streets, chase onlookers, swat at stragglers with sticks, and generally make mischief. Though the Krampus tradition is shared with neighboring Austria and Germany, in Trentino, it blends with Italian flair. Markets, mulled wine, and regional foods accompany the terrifying festivities, ensuring a mix of fear and festivity.

These unusual traditions are part of what makes Italy so special: the wide variety of cultural practices that change from region to region. Interested in reading more about Italy's diversity? We wrote a blog exploring Italy's regional diversity If you want to start exploring what a bike tour might be like in the different regions, check out our handy Destination Map, and then explore that region’s offerings.


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